Turntables supplied by British Turntable are helping to move property sales in Majorca, where shopfitters, Parrot Furniture, have used B200 turntables with positional hesitation options to create stylish, revolving property displays in the windows of estate agents, First Mallorca.
The hexagonal graphics display boards, fixed to a central pole, have been mounted on the turntables and revolve at each side of the large window at the entrance to the office. With the positional option facility, Parrot Furniture has been able to set the boards to revolve six times in any given period, allowing buyers to examine each panel of properties before the display moves on to the next. Not only does this make it easy for visitors to the office see what’s on offer, but it also acts as a selling tool when the office is shut, as they are fully visible from the exterior. The revolving units have also allowed First Mallorca to display a wider range of properties using less floor space than would be possible with a conventional static display.
The displays have been inspired by British Turntable’s standard Rotomax graphics display units, which, by displaying photographs and descriptions, add an attractive new dimension to a sales area. These portable models can easily be set up in any public place such as a supermarket, shopping centre, leisure centre or a hotel, to increase exposure. The display panels, which are finished in a strong nylon loop material, can be produced in a variety of shades to complement corporate colours and individual environments and work well with high quality Velcro, making the mounting of photo holders or leaflet dispensers quick and easy. Manual, continuous rotation and positional hesitation models are available as standard.